Modified stock bumper idea

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Modified stock bumper idea

Postby speedjunkie » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:14

So I really like the 93-95 front with a 99spec lip, but the inlets are just too small to allow enough air to the oil coolers and VMIC. That's the main reason I went with an aftermarket bumper. That, and the stock front bumpers tend to get wavy on the nose for some reason. Here is an idea I had about changing the front to allow more flow. This idea would require a sleek light kit in order to house a blinker bulb and maybe a parking light so you can get rid of the stock ones. Or, you could also keep the stock lights and just enlarge the hole up to the bottom of the light. I'm pretty sure this would force you to take off the bumper support, or at least modify it heavily. I did this on paint because I don't know how to photoshop, so this is very crude lol.


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Postby lOOkatme » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:14

The stock front bumper holes are fine for size.

ducting is what is important.


you actually want a smaller hole size than the area of the radiator. you also need proper ducting to create a low pressure area behind the radiator as well. I am giving it my shot at creating ducting. obviously using my burnout bumper since i already have it.


notice the side exist of the oil cooler at the bumper.

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Postby speedjunkie » Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:14

I'm not so sure, Mazda even opened them up in the later bumpers. I really like the stock front, but I'd probably open them at least a little and still duct them. The middle one might be alright, but oil cooler holes are painfully small. I know what you mean about keeping them smaller, based on what we talked about before, but I would imagine there is a point where they're too small.

I really like those side exits on the bumper. I've thought about ducting for behind the oil coolers too haha. Although, that heat can help keep the wider tires up to temp too.

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Re: Modified stock bumper idea

Postby Phu5ion » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:14

This guy seems to have had a similar idea. Looks pretty good.


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Re: Modified stock bumper idea

Postby speedjunkie » Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:14

Wow he cut a pretty good size chunk out of that bumper lol.

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